6 Health Benefits of Drinking Water in The Morning

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VIVA – Water is vital to your body’s health and function. So, people can’t keep their day running smoothly without consuming plenty of water. Drinking water in the morning isn’t just about starting your day off well-hydrated; drinking water on an empty stomach can bring its own health benefits as well!

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Drinking water in the morning has been practiced in many cultures and often advised by doctors for better health. The scientific research establishing the benefits and mechanisms of this is still in its early stages, and further research is needed. So, here are benefits of drinking water early morning for health:

1. Weight Loss

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The benefits of drinking water in the first morning are believed to have an effect on weight loss. Some people believe that drinking water in the morning can help you lose weight. For example, research in 2019 found that higher fluid intake was associated with improved body composition in young adults.

Research in 2010, found that middle-aged and older adults lost more weight when they drank 500 milliliters of water before meals for 12 weeks. Some researchers attribute this weight loss to a decrease in energy intake from food among participants who drank water. This means they eat less than people who don't drink water before eating. It can lose weight faster.

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2. Better Mental Health

In fact, dehydration can affect mental health in most significant ways. So, it is essential to drink water to avoid reaching this point. The brain will thank you for providing it with enough water to properly perform its functions, which will, in turn, help stabilize your mental health. 

Therefore, if a person wants to improve his mental performance, especially in the morning, drinking water is very important and very helpful.

3. Improve Mood

The benefit of drinking water the next morning is that it can improve our mood. Drinking water can also have a positive effect on one's mood. In a 2014 study, it was found that people's moods improve when they increase their water intake.

The same research found that when people reduce their water intake, they experience more thirst, decreased satisfaction and reduced calm and positive emotions while study in 2019 also found that dehydration negatively affects mood. While rehydration improves mood and symptoms of fatigue.

4. Healthy Skin

One way to maintain healthy skin can be helped by just drinking water, especially in the morning. Some people believe it will increase fluid intake can improve the appearance and health of the skin. The skin itself contains about 30% air which helps the skin to stay firm, increasing its elasticity and resilience.

However, even skin hydration may not be enough to prevent wrinkles or the effects of the sun, genetics, or the environment. Therefore, drink it in the morning and even water throughout the day to help keep the skin hydrated.

5. It Regulates Body Temperature

Water that is stored in the middle layers of the skin comes to the skin’s surface  as sweat when the body heats up. As it evaporates, it cools the body.

Some scientists have suggested, when there is too little water in the body, heat storage increases and the individual is less able to tolerate heat strain.

Having a lot of water in the body may reduce physical strain if heat stress occurs during exercise. However, more research is needed into these effects.

6. For Other Body Functions

The benefit of drinking water in the early morning, it can function for processes in the body. Drinking water is also important for various functions in the body.

Here are the functions of water for the body:

Kidneys: Can help the kidneys remove waste water from the body.

Urinary Tract: May prevent urolithiasis, which occurs when stones are in the urinary tract.

Cardiovascular system: For proper functioning of the cardiovascular system. Dehydration and inadequate water intake negatively affect blood pressure regulation and vascular function.

Joints and bones: Can help relieve joint pain because water is a component of the lubricating fluid around the joints.

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