Here’s the Name List of Departure Hajj Pilgrims 2022

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VIVA – The Directorate General of Hajj and Umrah Organization of the Ministry of Religion released a name list of departure regular Hajj Pilgrims in 1443 H/2022 AD.

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The complete list of departure hajj pilgrims in 2022 can be accessed through the page. Prospective pilgrims can carry out the confirmation process from May 9 until May 20, 2022.

"Alhamdulillah, the process of verification of the name list of departure regular hajj pilgrims has been completed. I have published the Decree of the Director General of Hajj and Umrah Organization regarding it," said Director General of PHU at the Ministry of Religion, Hilman Latief in a written statement received in Jakarta on Sunday, May 9, 2022.

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He said that the list of names had been announced and sent to the Regional Offices of the Provincial Ministry of Religion throughout Indonesia for follow-up soon.

The verification process was carried out to ensure that all departing pilgrims meet the requirements set by Saudi Arabia, namely those who are at most 65 years and 0 month as of June 30, 2022 and also have received the COVID-19 vaccination.

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"I ask the pilgrims who have the right to depart hajj this year, to prepare themselves properly. Don't forget to confirm departure at the bank where they registered," he said.
Hilman said that Saudi Arabia set the quota for Indonesia's Hajj in 2022 only 100.051 people. The number consists of 92.825 quotas for regular pilgrims, 7.226 quotas for special pilgrims, and 1.901 quotas for officers.

Everything is reduced from the normal quota. So, there are the hajj pilgrims who have paid off in 2020 but haven’t been able to depart in 2022.

“I also hope everyone gives support to each other. The hajj pilgrims who depart give support to the other hajj pilgrims who can’t depart and pray that it will soon be a turn for them. Meanwhile, pilgrims who have not yet departed, give support to those who will depart this year and wish them good health and a Mabrur Hajj," he said.

Regarding the Hajj funds, Hilman said that the funds were no longer managed by the Ministry of Religion, but by the Hajj Financial Management Agency.

According to Hilman, the Ministry of Religion only manages the costs for the current year after it has been discussed and agreed with Commission VIII and Hajj Financial Management Agency.

"Insha Allah, the process of managing the cost of organizing the pilgrimage is carried out transparently. Also, it aims to give the greatest benefit to Indonesian pilgrims," ??said Hilman.

Hilman suggests to the public that they will participate in providing support in the success of the Hajj 1443 H/2022 AD. 

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