Extra Train Added for Homecoming Return

Sumber :
  • Dokumentasi PT KAI.

VIVA – PT KAI added a special train operation for six days to serve passengers for Eid al-Fitr homecoming return flow with the travel path of Semarang-Bandung.

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Start from Wednesday, May 4, 2022, until Monday, May 9, 2022, the upcoming Ciremai train will serve passengers heading for Semarang Tawang-Bandung and Bandung-Semarang Tawang.

The operation of the Ciremai train also supports the Semarang-Bandung that already exists, namely the Harina train.

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The Public Relations Manager of KAI Daop 4 Semarang, Krisbiyanto, also explained that the density of the Harina train during the return flow of Eid transportation, especially on May 4 to 9, had reached 100 percent.

"The Ciremai train from Semarang Tawang to Bandung will operate from May 4 until May 9, 2022," said PT KAI Daop (Train Operation Area) 4 Semarang Public Relations Manager, Krisbiyantoro in a press release in Semarang, Tuesday, May 3, 2022.

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Seeing the high interest of the public using the Semarang-Bandung train, KAI operates the Ciremai train.

"This is to accommodate requests from people who want to carry out Eid homecoming from and to Semarang City and Bandung City using rail transportation," said Krisbiyantoro.

Ciremai train provide business and executive class seats, with a capacity of 420 seats. The costs that apply are the lower limit rates and upper limit rates ranging from Rp230.000-Rp270.000 for business class, and Rp330.000-Rp380.000 for executive class.

The departure schedule for the Ciremai train from Semarang Tawang Station at 7.15 AM and arrives at Bandung Station at 3 PM. Meanwhile, departure from Bandung Station is at 4.25 PM and arrives at Semarang Tawang Station at 12 AM.

As for the requirements for long-distance train travel, the passengers are required to have received the third dose of vaccine. Then, the passengers who have not received the third dose of vaccine are required to bring a negative certificate of antigen test for 3x24 hours.

Meanwhile, passengers who are not vaccinated for medical reasons are required to show a doctor's certificate from a government hospital and a negative PCR test result which is valid for 3x24 hours.

Especially for passengers under 6 years, they are not required to be vaccinated and are not required to show a negative result of an antigen test or PCR test, but are accompanied by a companion who meets the travel requirements.

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