Contra Flow Worked Well on Homecoming This Year

Menteri Perhubungan Budi Karya Sumadi
Sumber :
  • ANTARA/Bagus Ahmad Rizaldi

VIVA – The minister of Transportation, Budi Karya Sumadi explained about the traffic jam on the Jakarta toll road to Cikampek to the east on Sunday, May 1, 2022.

He said the traffic jam that had occurred could still be overcome through a number of traffic engineering that was applied.

He also hopes that the success of overcoming the traffic jam of coming home with a number of traffic engineering can also be applied during the return flow.

“Indeed, there was a problem when implementing contra flow and one way for the first time. But, it can be handled well. The success of traffic engineering on the homecoming flow is also expected to occur in the reverse flow." The Minister of Transportation, Budi Karya, said.

He revealed that the success of overcoming this traffic jam was coordination carried out by the Police, Jasa Marga, the Ministry of Transportation and others. The apparatus was prepared in advance by conducting simulations.

Ilustrasi Contraflow di Tol Cikampek.

Photo :
  • Jabar

He also says when he was reviewing traffic that with one way traffic engineering, the journey from west to east to Semarang can be passed quite smoothly.

Two points that are of particular concern to the government to be handled are the Jakarta-Semarang toll road and the Merak Crossing.

Tarif Penyeberangan Merak-Bakauheni Naik Mulai 1 November, Berikut Besarannya

At the peak of coming home in Eid al-Fitr, at Merak Harbor there was also a density due to the too many travelers who would cross. In dealing with overcrowding, two ports have been added in Ciwandan and Indah Kiat, as well as increasing the number of ships.

Two ships operate at the Indah Kiat Pier and nine ships operate at the Ciwandan Pier. So that the total operating the crossing from Merak Bakauheni and Panjang Port, Lampung are 53 ships.

Sertijab dengan Budi Karya, Menhub Dudy Pastikan Lanjut Bangun Konektivitas Nasional

Also attend the review of the Presidential Advisory Council Member Sidarto Danusubroto and the Director General of Land Transportation Budi Setiyadi.

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