Sinovac Vaccine Will Be Use as a Booster

Indonesia kedatangan vaksin sinovac.
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VIVA – The government will use Sinovac vaccine as a third vaccine or known as booster for people. Ministy of health said, use Sinovac vaccine as a booster because for respecting rule of the Supreme Court number 31P/HUM/2022, on recommendation to supply halal vaccines.

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“Therefore, for those who are comfortable to use Sinovac vaccine, we provide an opportunity to use the vaccine as vaccine booster,” Ministry of Health’s COVID-19 Vaccination Spokesperson Siti Nadia Tarmizi said as quoted on the official website of Ministry of Health, Tuesday, April 26, 2022.

In the Covid-19 vaccination program, the government has succeeded in providing 6 vaccines with different types. So, people can choose the type of vaccine according to their health condition

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There are 6 types of vaccine, like Sinovac, AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Moderna, Janssen, and Sinopharm vaccines.

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Photo :
  • ANTARA/Murat Cetinmuhurdar/Kantor Pers Kepresidenan
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Sinovac vaccine also has obtained halal recommendation from the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) through Fatwa of the MUI Number 2 of 2021 while Sinopharm vaccine has obtained halal fatwa from the MUI through Fatwa of the MUI Number 9 of 2022.

For other vaccines, namely AstraZaneca, Pzifer, Moderna, and Janssen have also obtained emergency use authorization (EUA) from the department of Food and Drug Monitoring or known as BPOM.

“Vaccines that have been widely circulated in Indonesia are also vaccines that are used in other Muslim countries, such as United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Pakistan, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Iran, Egypt, Palestine, Kuwait, Morocco, and Bahrain, and it is proven that COVID-19 cases in those Muslim countries have been under control as of now,” Nadia said.

The vaccines for Indonesia’s people are obtained through various schemes, either through direct purchases, bilateral and multilateral cooperation, COVAX Facility and grant schemes. Various efforts have been made by the government for vaccine stock. So, all Indonesian people can use it.

Based on the data from Ministry of Health, as of April 25, the coverage of first-dose vaccination was Rp198.98 million doses or 95.54 percent of the target, that of the second-dose vaccination was 164.06 million doses or 78.78 percent of the target, and the coverage of booster vaccination was only 35.26 million doses or 16.93 percent of the target.

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