Travelers Can Get Booster Vaccines at Ahmad Yani Airport

The condition at the arrival terminal of Ahmad Yani Airport, Semarang.
Sumber :
  • tvOne/ Teguh Joko Sutrisno

VIVA – Vaccine dose three or known as booster is a requirement for domestic travel in Indonesia, especially during the current homecoming. Those who have been vaccinated with the booster no longer need to show antigen swab or PCR test results.

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For prospective airplane passengers, there is don't need to be confused if you haven't received a booster vaccine even though you already have a ticket. Because there is at the airport, there is a free booster vaccination service.

Like at Ahmad Yani Airport, Semarang. There are two vaccination booths that serve prospective passengers and those who carry out activities at the airport.

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The first outlet was served by the IV Diponegoro army with vaccinators from Kesdam. The second outlet served by the Port Health Office II Semarang.

According to the military district commander of West Semarang, Major Sulistiyono who is coordinating the vaccination booth, the free vaccination service by the Diponegoro Military Command IV at Ahmad Yani Airport will be held until April 30th. He also extended operational time from 7 am until 7 pm.

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"We are open for anyone who wants vaccines here. It can be vaccines 1, 2, and mainly boosters. The types of vaccines available at that time could be Pfizer, Astra Zeneca, or Moderna," said Major Sulistiyono.

Gerai vaksinasi booster oleh nakes Kesdam IV Diponegoro di Bandara Ahmad Yani.

Photo :
  • Teguh Joko Sutrisno/ tvOne.

In a day, he explains, it can serve between 50 to 100 people who want to get the vaccine. Although they also serve vaccines one and two, most of them are booster vaccines.

The requirements for passengers who want to booster vaccines at Ahmad Yani Airport Semarang are as follow:

1. Bring your Identity Card
2. Show your flight ticket (D-3, D-1, D-2)
3. Using the Care Protect application.

One of the prospective passengers who was vaccinated said he previously knew there was information about the vaccine booth at Ahmad Yani Airport. So, when he was about to leave, he took the time to get vaccinated.

"Please, there is a booster vaccination here, so, swab is not necessary," said the passenger who will fly to Banjarmasin.

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