Startup4Industry for Accelerate Technology Transformation

Sumber :
  • GPG International

VIVA – The Ministry of Industry has held the Startup4Indsutry program since 2018 until now. This program aims to accelerate tech start-ups as technology providers that are able to solve problems in the industrial sector and society. The economic recovery in Indonesia is also supported by the increasingly brilliant performance of the industrial sector.

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"Digital transformation is a priority issue in the G20 forum, supported by the potential of Indonesia's digital economy which is predicted to grow 20% per year, to reach USD 146 billion by 2025. This is an opportunity that the industry should not miss to take advantage of this great benefit," said Secretary General of the Ministry of Industry, Dody Widodo on Tuesday, April, 19th 2022.

Furthermore, the Ministry of Industry also invites Indonesian tech Startup to join as part of the Startup4Industry ecosystem.

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"We appreciate the achievements of technological transformation carried out with innovations and solutions from Indonesian tech Start up, so that we also maintain the spirit of Proud Made in Indonesia, as well as Proud of Indonesian tech start up," said Dody Widodo.

On the same occasion, the Director General of Small, Medium and Multifarious Industries, Reni Yanita said that Startup4Industry is a real step to increase technology-based Start Up in accordance with the 2020-2024 National Medium-Term Development Plan and the 2020-2024 Ministry of Industry Strategic Plan. The 2022 Startup4Industry program carries the theme "Inspiring Industry Transformation''.

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"During the four years of implementation, there have been 723 Start-ups participating in the Startup4Industry program, producing as many as 73 finalists, facilitating 35 technology transformation implementation projects and facilitating 49 business relationships between Start up and industry. In fact, we also send Start up to participate in international and domestic exhibitions,” said Reni Yanita.

The Startup4Industry program also held to spread the spirit of technological transformation in the industry with solutions from Tech Start Up Indonesian. 

"By sharing success stories, it will inspire industry and society to immediately begin the journey of technological transformation with the ultimate goal of increasing competitiveness, added value, and efficiency of the industrial sector," said Reni.

In order to make it easier for the community and industry to find Startup that suit their needs, the Ministry of Industry has designed a Start Up Supermarket "S41 Mart" which can be accessed via or

"Our hope that Startup4Industry will continue to be big and broad, supported by the activity of Start up friends in the Startup4Industry ecosystem," said Reni.

Later, Startup4Industry will become a force with Tech Startup to capture initiatives, programs, breakthroughs, and even wider networks to the global level.

"Same with this, in the next five years, Startup4Industry will try to build a reputation as a trusted technology provider platform for Indonesian industry and people, and even abroad," said Reni.

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