Minister of Transportation Praise Blue Bird Electric Taxi
- Facebook Muhammad Ichsan
VIVA – Minister of Transportation, Budi Karya Sumadi appreciates PT. Blue Bird which uses electric vehicles to transport taxis (20/04/2022). It will support the government's efforts to reduce carbon emissions in the transportation sector.
Not only that, it also supports the acceleration of the implementation of the use of battery-based electric motorized vehicles in Indonesia. It stated in Presidential Regulation Number 55 of 2019 concerning the Acceleration of the Program for Road Transportation, too.
"The government very much supports Blue Bird's move for the sustainability of a better world in the future," said , Minister of Transportation, Budi Karya Sumadi.
He tried an electric vehicle, the Tesla which they serve as Silver Bird taxi from Soekarno Hatta International Airport, Tangerang, Banten to Jakarta.
Tesla Model X Bluebird.
- Istimewa
Using an electric vehicle is also an effort to realize sustainable transportation which later this step can accelerate the integrated electric vehicle ecosystem in 2030 year and achieve the target for net zero emission in 2060 year.
Other companies engaged in the transportation sector are expected to follow the steps of Blue Bird uses electric vehicles. So, it will help to reduce carbon emissions in the transportation sector faster.
PT Blue Bird Tbk (Bluebird) said they are committed to a 50/30 vision to reduce 505 carbon emissions and operational waste in 2030.
This year, Blue Bird has served land transportation vehicles for 50 years in Indonesia. Vision 50/30 answers the needs of the community and stakeholders for transportation products and services by taking into account environmental, social, and comprehensive corporate governance aspects too.
Blue Bird also commit that in the future transportation will improve safety, mobility, reduce costs and reduce environmental damage so that it can support the realization of better mobility. People are also expected to be able to use this taxi or electric vehicle.