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Aurora Australis Terlihat di Tasmania, Disebut yang Terbaik

Fenomena Aurora Australis ini bisa disaksikan di Tasmania semalam, kawasan di Australia yang paling mendekati Kutub Selatan. (Instagram: snapshottours)
Fenomena Aurora Australis ini bisa disaksikan di Tasmania semalam, kawasan di Australia yang paling mendekati Kutub Selatan. (Instagram: snapshottours)
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"Cahaya muncul berkilau tidak lama setelah sinar matahari menghilang."

Fotografer  Deni Cupit yang juga mengabadikan fenomena semalam mengatakan: "Malam tadi terasa seperti berada di dunia yang lain."

A Tasmanian resident , Carmel Gledhill said she could see the Aurora Australis clearly without the aid of any tools. 

“With the naked eye we stay directing the view to the south,” he said.

Carmel  was high up on the summit of Mt Wellington to see it and she claimed to be the best and most powerful aurora she had seen in recent years.

If you missed it last night, you can see it on  the Australian Bureau of Meteorology's website .

This article was produced by Sastra Wijaya of  ABC News