Hopes for Independent Judiciary as New Chief Justice Takes Position

Hakim Sunarto ucapkan sumpah jabatan sebagai Ketua MA
Sumber :
  • VIVA.co.id/Edwin Firdaus

Jakarta, VIVA – Justice Sunarto has been elected as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court (MA).

The Judicial Commission hopes Sunarto will establish a fair judiciary free from external interference. Prof. Amzulian, a member of the Judicial Commission, expressed hope that Sunarto will bring positive change to the Supreme Court, making it a respected and trusted judicial body.

Ketua Mahkamah Agung (MA) Sunarto

Photo :
  • Youtube MA

“The election of Prof. Sunarto as Chief Justice brings new hope for fair law enforcement, free from interference. We hope the Supreme Court will become a judicial body truly trusted by the public,” he stated on Sunday (Oct 27).

In addition to Amzulian, academics, legal experts, and anti-corruption advocates share similar hopes for Sunarto.

Currently, the Supreme Court, as the last bastion for justice, is seen as resting on Sunarto's leadership.

Experts also caution Sunarto to remain free from external influence in handling legal cases, particularly in the review process for the case of former Tanah Bumbu Regent, Mardani H. Maming.

Sunarto is urged to apply the law impartially and rely on his conscience in handling Maming’s case, as there is a strong suspicion that the case was manipulated.

Experts like Prof. Romli Sasmita from Padjadjaran University highlight inconsistencies in the legal principles applied by the court in Maming’s case.

He stressed that the charges and sentencing of Maming were not based on legal facts but rather on the imagination of law enforcers.

"The legal process against the defendant does not only show an obvious error or misjudgment but represents a serious legal distortion," said the Chair of the Drafting Team for the Corruption Eradication Act and the Establishment of the KPK Bill.