Ministry Urges Experts to Promote K3 Cluture for Productivity

Jakarta, VIVA – The Ministry fof Manpower continues too encourage Occupational Safety and Health (K3) experts to actively promote OSH as a workplace culture.
The promotion of K3 is not only aimed at meeting regulations but also at ensuring that it becomes a fundamental necessity in every work environment.
Fahrurozi, Acting Director General of Supervision of Labor and Occupational Safety and Health and K3 at the Ministry of Manpower, emphasized the importance of changing the mindset of the public, particularly among workers, organizations, and the government.

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“K3 must become a workplace culture, not just because of regulations, but out of the awareness that K3 is crucial for productivity and well-being,” said Fahrurazi on Tuesday in Jakarta.
He stated that the implementation of K3 in Indonesia still faces significant challenges, one of which is the limited number of K3 experts available, while the number of companies in Indonesia is very large and continues to grow.
Acccording to him, this situation creates a significant gap between the demand for and the availability of K3 experts.
Nevertheless, the government remains committed to continuously encouraging the increase in both the quantity and quality of K3 experts.
Fahrurozi also highlighted the close relationship between K3 implementation and productivity in the workplace.
"It is impossible for people to work productively if they are not healthy or constantly worried about workplace accidents. Therefore, K3 is a crucial requirement for improving productivity," he remarked.
He added, "As a K3 community, we must understand the importance of promoting OSH effectively. If this promotion is not carried out properly, its success will be difficult to achieve."
Besides promotion, improving the competence of K3 experts is also a top priority. Currently, Indonesia needs K3 experts who not only have sufficient numbers but also possess strong competencies.
The competence of K3 experts must be improved in terms of skills, knowledge, and attitude.