Minister Calls on Kadin to Play an Active Role in National Programs

Sarasehan Kadin Indonesia dengan Menteri BKPM Rosan Roeslani
Sumber :
  • Ali Wafa

Jakarta, VIVA – Minister of Investment/Head of the Investment Coordinating Board (BPKM), Rosan Perkasa Roeslani, met with the Chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin), Anindya Bakrie, on Tuesday (Sept 24).

On this occasion, the minister urged Kadin Indonesia to take a significant role in helping the government boost the economy.

He emphasized that not only the implementation but also input and innovation from the business sector are crucial for the government at this time.

"The government continues to invite Kadin to provide input—not just when a policy is issued but even when discussions begin, so that the input can be more targeted and have a positive impact overall," he stated.

Sarasehan Kadin Indonesia dengan Menteri BKPM Rosan Roeslani

Photo :
  • Ali Wafa

Through this collaboration, the challenges hindering Indonesia's economic acceleration can be addressed, ultimately benefiting society.

"In the future, despite geopolitical challenges, our economic growth will continue to advance," Minister Roeslani remarked.

Furthermore, the minister outlined several sectors that the future government will focus on. The active involvement and innovation from entrepreneurs in these sectors are highly encouraged by the government.

"In essence, the government will focus on sectors related to health, education, food security, and human resource development," he concluded.