Indonesia Establishes Task Forces for Business Human Rights

- FMB9
Jakarta, 29 April 2024 – The Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) has established national and regional task forces to anticipate human rights violations experienced by the public in the business environment.
The formation of these task forces is a follow-up to Presidential Regulation No. 60 of 2023 on the National Business and Human Rights Strategy, which was signed by President Joko Widodo on September 26, 2023.
"In accordance with this Presidential Regulation, a national task force and regional task forces will be formed. The national task force is chaired by the Minister of Law and Human Rights and its members are related ministries and institutions," said Director of Human Rights Cooperation at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Harniati, in an FMB9 discussion entitled "Protecting Workers' Human Rights," quoted by VIVA English on Monday.
Harniati explained that the national task force will have its own agenda for enforcing law in the business environment. This agenda will be in accordance with the scope of the institutions or ministries that cooperate with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.

Ilustrasi pekerja kantor
- VIVAnews/Anhar Rizki Affandi
Meanwhile, the regional task forces will be chaired by the respective Governors in each province.
"The Governor will involve the heads of the Kemenkumham regional offices and related dinas heads, including the community under the auspices of non-governmental organizations in the regions," said Harniati.
These efforts are being made by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights so that the protection of human rights for workers and the community can go hand in hand from the national to the regional level.
Harniati explained that the work program carried out at the national level will be in line with the task forces in the regions.
This is done so that efforts to protect human rights from upstream to downstream can be aligned so that there is no policy disparity.
With these efforts, Harniati hopes that the Presidential Regulation issued by Joko Widodo can be properly implemented by the task forces that have been formed by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.