Chinese Muslims: Adapting and Becoming Part of Indonesia

FSI discussion event
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  • FSI

Jakarta, April 21, 2024 – The decision of some Chinese Indonesians to embrace Islam is a concrete example of their ongoing efforts to become an integral part of the Indonesian nation. This identity struggle has been going on for a long time, including in the New Order era when Chinese culture was restricted.

According to BRIN researcher Saiful Hakam, in the past, becoming Muslim for some Chinese was seen as a way to become fully Indonesian.

"However, now, Chinese can be Muslim while still maintaining their culture and identity," Hakam explained in a discussion "Chinese and Islamic Da'wah in Indonesia: Past and Present”, quoted by VIVA English in Jakarta.

Lautze Mosque in Jakarta is an example of a Chinese Muslim community that combines da'wah and Chinese culture. Alumni of the Postgraduate Program in Communication Sciences at Pelita Harapan University, Audhiandra Nur Ratri Okviosa said that the preachers there help new converts feel comfortable with Chinese culture while learning Islam.

FSI discussion event

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  • FSI

In fact, Muslim leaders of Chinese ethnic background who carry out their da'wah activities there still allow their congregation, especially those who have just converted to Islam, to feel the aroma of Chinese culture while learning Islam.

"The goal is for converts to feel comfortable learning their new religion," she said.

Chairman of the Indonesian Sinology Forum, Johanes Herlijanto, assessed that the participation of Chinese Muslims in Islamic da'wah shows their ability to adapt to Indonesian culture and society.

"This ability to adapt makes Chinese Muslims a unique group of people," said the UPH lecturer.

According to him, Chinese Muslims are part of the Indonesian nation and their story should be seen in the context of Indonesianness, not as a tool for strengthening foreign power.

Saiful Hakam and Johanes agreed that the story of Chinese Muslims is real proof of their struggle in the project of becoming Indonesian. This is not just about ethnic Chinese, but also about all Indonesian people, whatever their ethnic background.