Protelindo Group Supports Javan Leopard Conservation Project

- VIVAnews/Muhamad Solihin
Jakarta, March 5, 2024 – Protelindo Group, a telecommunications infrastructure and internet service provider company, today announced its support for the Javan leopard (Panthera pardus melas) conservation project run by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) and the SINTAS Indonesia Foundation.
The project aims to conduct a population survey of Javan leopards in 21 landscapes in Java, and collect leopard scat samples to determine population structure and prey preference.
The team will also update the Javan Leopard Conservation Strategy and Action Plan document, and collect other terrestrial biodiversity data in the wildlife habitat of Java Island.
The leopard conservation will be focused on Mount Ijen and Mount Raung, East Java, and will last for 2 years (January 2024 - December 2025).
Protelindo Group is providing financial support for the project and will help raise public awareness about the importance of protecting the Javan leopard.
"We believe that environmental sustainability is a shared responsibility," said Adam Gifari, Deputy President Director of Protelindo. "Through our support for the Javan leopard conservation project, Protelindo Group hopes to contribute positively to maintaining Indonesia's biodiversity for future generations."
Prof. Dr. Satyawan Pudyatmoko, S.Hut., M.Sc., Director General of Natural Resources and Ecosystem Conservation (KSDAE) KLHK, said that this national survey is very important for wildlife management which begins with comprehensive data inventory.
"Collaboration between various parties, including government, private sector, and community, is needed to ensure the survival of this iconic and ecologically vital wildlife," he said.
For information, the Javan leopard is a protected and endangered wildlife. Its population is estimated to be only around 600 individuals. Habitat loss and poaching are two major factors that have led to the decline of the Javan leopard population.