133 Foreign Investors to Put Investment in IKN Nusantara

Pembangunan IKN Nusantara
Pembangunan IKN Nusantara
Sumber :
  • Dok. PUPR

Kalimantan – A total of 133 foreign investors have expressed interest in investing in the new capital city of Indonesia, IKN Nusantara. Some foreign investors come from Singapore, Japan, Korea, and Spain

Deputy for Financing and Investment of the IKN Authority, Agung Wicaksono stated until now OIKN has received 305 Letters of Intent (Lol) from around the world. 

"There's also a lot of interest from foreign investors. So, 172 investors came from Indonesia and 133 investors from abroad," Wicaksono informed on Monday. 

Presiden Jokowi bersama para menteri kemah di IKN Nusantara

Presiden Jokowi bersama para menteri kemah di IKN Nusantara

Photo :
  • Setkab

Based on the presentation data, the highest foreign investor interest came from Singapore with 27, Japan 25 LOI, Malaysia 19 LOI, China 19 LOI, South Korea 9 LOI, United States 7 LOI, Spain 3 LOI, United Arab Emirates 2 LOI, Thailand 2 LOI, up to Germany 2 LOI.

"It can be seen that the distribution is mostly from Singapore, Japan, China, and Korea, but also the United States, and European, Middle Eastern and other countries," he explained.

Wicaksono further said that there are several processes that investors need to go through before starting to invest in IKN. Of the several stages that must be passed, he admits that domestic investors are more agile than foreign investors.

Desain Sekretariat Presiden di IKN Nusantara.

Photo :
  • Dokumentasi Waskita Karya.

"Domestic investors are more sitting, silent, sitting, silent in the process of evaluating between risks and benefits. And, make decisions until they reach an agreement,"

As known, the Government itself prioritizes domestic investors to fill the core or central area of IKN.

The stages that investors must go through before investing include, LOI submission, review, and assessment of LOI priority scale sectors.

Then 1 on 1 meeting, submission of confirmation letters, response letters from OIKN, confidentiality agreements and NDA requests and data requests, feasibility studies, and agreements.