Knowing More History of Halloween Tradition

Ilustrasi labu Halloween
Ilustrasi labu Halloween
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Jakarta – Halloween is annually celebrated on October 31. It is a festival of costumes, spooky decorations, trick-or-treating, and supernatural connections. The origin of Halloween roots back to the Celtic celebration of Samhain which usually marks the end of the harvest season and indicates the beginning of a new year. 

Several countries celebrate halloween as its tradition, also in Indonesia. Well, read below to knowing more the history of Halloween. 

Ilustrasi Halloween.

Ilustrasi Halloween.

Photo :
  • Freepik/studiogstock

In addition to its close relation to All Saints Day, Halloween is also believed to have its origins in a 2000-year-old Celtic festival. The Celtic communities celebrated their New Year on November 1, with Halloween being celebrated on 31 October as New Year's Eve. 

In Ireland, Halloween was called Samhain which literally translates to the end of summer. Not just in Ireland, but also in other parts of Europe - especially in the northern latitudes - Halloween marked the end of summer.

The practice of lighting bonfires to ward off evil spirits during Halloween in the Celtic tradition was related to the onset of a damp and dark winter, which usually brought with it a host of diseases.

The holiday came to America with the wave of Irish immigrants during the potato famine of the 1840s.

They brought along several of their holiday customs with them including bobbing for apples and playing tricks on neighbours like removing dates from the front of houses.

But where does the concept of spooky dresses come from? Well to avoid being recognised by evil spirits on All Hallows Eve, the Celtics would wear spooky masks when they left their home at night, so the ghosts would not mistake them for fellow spirits.

Trick and treating however originated in the second half of the 1930s. Americans took from Irish and English traditions and went door to door, asking for food or money, while dressed in costumes.

The term ''trick or treat'' is thought to have come from the idea that families could prevent tricks from being played on them by treating kids with candies.

ilustrasi menggunakan kostum Halloween

Photo :
  • Instagram/@3GerardPique

Another famous part of Halloween is the ''jack-o-lanterns'', which people in modern times use on pumpkins. 

But, do you know pumpkins came long after the original jack-o-lanterns, which Celtics carved on turnips or potatoes? They did that to light the way to their home, for good spirits to enter.

Later, when the Irish immigrants entered America, they discovered the pumpkins to be the new face of Halloween.

Over the years, Halloween has gone on to become one of the most important festivals in the United States of America and several European countries. 

Over the centuries, the ancient rituals were replaced by contemporary versions of the same, such as the "trick or treat" custom carried out by children.