Mount Anak Krakatau Has 415 Eruptions Throughout 2023

Gunung Anak Krakatau menghembuskan abu vulkanik.
Sumber :
  • VIVA/Yandi Deslatama

Jakarta – Throughout 2023, Mount Anak Krakatau (GAK) recorded 415 eruptions. The height of the bursts varied, ranging from 50 meters to 3,500 meters from the summit.

Since the eruption and massive earthquake in 2018 that caused a silent tsunami in the Sunda Strait, Mount Anak Krakatau continues to move like an active volcano. Until now, its status is still at Level III or alert.

"Until now, eruption activities still occur every year and during 2023, 415 eruption earthquakes have been recorded with the height of the eruption ash column varying from 50 meters to 3,500 meters above the peak,"  Head of the Center for Volcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation (PVMBG), Hendra Gunawan said as quoted from the official website, on Sunday. 

Gunung Anak Krakatau.

Photo :
  • Twitter/@EarthUncutTV

Mount Anak Krakatau, located in the waters of the Sunda Strait and included in the administrative area of Lampung Province, has an altitude of 195 meters above sea level (masl). 

Its activity is monitored from the province, first at Pasauran Post, Banten, and the other side is monitored from Hargo Pancuran Volcano Observation Post Kalianda, Lampung.

"The volcano is monitored visually and instrumentally," he explained. 

Because the volcano is active, people are prohibited from approaching within a 5 km radius of the crater, because they are prone to eruption material.

Gunung Anak Krakatau mengeluarkan erupsi abu kolom putih Jumat, 4/1

Photo :

Meanwhile, the distribution of volcanic ash depends on the direction and speed of the wind. Responding to the volcanic activity in the middle of the sea, the Geological Agency continues to coordinate with BPBD Lampung and Banten, to anticipate various possibilities that occur.

The public is also asked not to easily believe various issues regarding the eruption and tsunami on Mount Anak Krakatau. Residents are asked to always update information through trusted sources.

"The potential avalanche hazard of Mount Anak Krakatau is historically a permanent hazard that always needs to be watched and anticipated," he explained.