Jokowi Asks Minister Lahadalia to Address Conflict on Rempang Island
- Dok. Istimewa
Cilegon – The Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) revealed that the conflict related to land acquisition on Rempang Island, Riau Islands was triggered by a lack of communication. Therefore, the Head of State asked Investment Minister Bahlil Lahadalia to address the conflict.
"Residents of Rempang Island who are affected – around 7,500 people – by the recolation would actually be given 500 meters of land plus one building with a type 45. However, this was not communicated well, and it caused a problem," the President stated during the visit to Cilegon, Banten, on Tuesday.
President Widodo also mentioned: "I think later or tomorrow, Minister Lahadalia will go there to give direct explanation to the Rempang residents regarding the implementation of the solutions,"
Presiden Jokowi di Pasar Kranggot, Cilegon, Banten
- VIVA/Anwar Sadat
Moreover, President Widodo explained that the conflict between security forces and Rempang residents would not have occurred if the local residents were consulted and given solutions regarding the Batam Concession Agency's (BP Batam's) plan to develop the Rempang Eco City project.
As quoted from the BP Batam website, Rempang Eco City is one of the projects registered in the 2023 National Strategic Program. Its development is regulated in Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Regulation Number 7 of 2023 that was ratified on August 28.
The Rempang Eco City project is an integrated industrial, trade, and tourism area aimed at encouraging competitiveness with Singapore and Malaysia.
"If the communication and socialization process goes well, then the conflict on Rempang Island will not happen," the Head of State remarked.
As known, the mass demonstration against the eviction of residents in the Rempang area of Batam ended in chaos. The mass action broke out in front of the Batam Business Entity (BP) Office, Monday, September 11.
In their action, they rejected the development of the Batam Rempang Area because it resulted in the eviction of local natives.