Know More About Pain Management in Radjak Hospital Salemba

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Jakarta – Radjak Hospital Salemba is a healthcare institution well-known for its long-standing commitment to providing quality healthcare services to the community.

In their efforts to promote understanding and education about the various modern healthcare services they offer, Radjak Hospital Salemba, a part of the Radjak Hospital Group, actively engages in disseminating information to the public.

One of the flagship services offered by Radjak Hospital Salemba is Pain Management. Dr. Aryandhito Widhi Nugroho, a Specialist in Trauma Services, Orthopedics, and Pain Management, explains.

"Pain Management involves minimally invasive procedures aimed at alleviating and reducing pain. This therapy is highly effective in addressing various pain-related complaints, as it boasts several advantages, including minimally invasive procedures and the use of local anesthesia, resulting in lower risks."

Radjak Hospital Salemba also houses a Neuroscience Center that focuses on neurological health issues. Dr. Dhito, responsible for this center, elaboratest.

"We provide services to address disorders related to the nervous system, such as accidents or trauma, including head injuries or spinal cord injuries. We assess whether patients require medical treatment first or if they need surgical procedures or surgery."

Furthermore, Dr. Dhito emphasizes the importance of seeking consultation for symptoms like persistent headaches, unimproving back pain, weakness in limbs, seizures, or memory disturbances.

"The causes of mental health disorders can sometimes be traced to brain abnormalities that can be corrected. Hence, it's not solely a matter of mental or psychological issues; it can be examined by us."

Regarding comprehensive services, as a hospital that has changed its name from RS. MH Thamrin Salemba to Radjak Hospital Salemba, the Director of Radjak Hospital Salemba, Dr. Ika Sofrina, MKK, stated that in order to anticipate the needs of the community, they must be comprehensive in serving all segments of society and all service areas.

"In the past year, we have developed several Centers of Excellence (CoE). So, in various healthcare service areas, we want to provide more comprehensive and maximum service."