ASEAN Summit: Jakarta Implements Open and Close Systems on 29 Roads

Kawasan Bundaran HI dengan patung Selamat Datang.
Kawasan Bundaran HI dengan patung Selamat Datang.
Sumber :
  • ANTARA/Dewa Ketut Sudiarta Wiguna

Jakarta – The Jakarta Government together with Greater Jakarta Metropolitan Regional Police (Polda Metro Jaya) implemented an open and close system on 29 roads during the ASEAN Summit on September 2-7, 2023. 

"In connection with the Implementation of the 43rd ASEAN Summit in Jakarta, Transportation department (Dishub) does Traffic Engineering in 29 roads the location of Maintenance of the entire series of the ASEAN Summit, and location of where delegates are staying," wrote Dishub official Instagram account, @Dishubdkijakarta, on Sunday. 

As information, six locations of ASEAN Summit activities in Jakarta, namely ST Regis Hotel, ASEAN Secretariat Office, Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), City Forest Plataran (GBK), Hotel Sultan dan Palace Merdeka. 

Lalu lintas di Jakarta

Lalu lintas di Jakarta

Photo :
  • VIVA/Yeni Lestari

Moreover, the opening and closing systems are implemented when the delegation's journey from the accomodation to the closing event location could take up to two hours. 

"If the delegation leaves at 7 AM then opening and closing are valid from 6:30 AM until 8:30 AM. 

Well, there's a list of 29 roads affected by traffic engineering during the ASEAN Summit: 

Jl Jenderal Sudirman, Jl MH Thamrin, Jl Gatot Subroto, Jl HR Rasuna Said, Jl Imam Bonjol, Jl HOS Cokroaminoto, Jl Galunggung, Jl RM Margono Djojohadikoesoemo, Jl KH Mas Mansyur, Jl Karet Pasar Baru Timur 5, Jl Karet Pasar Baru Timur 2, Jl Karet Pasar Baru Timur 3, Jl Prof. Dr. Satrio sisi Barat, Jl Kebon Sirih, Jl Wahid Hasyim, Jl Gerbang Pemuda, Jl Pintu Satu Senayan, Jl Asia Afrika. 

Other affected Road sections include Jl Sisingamangaraja, Jl Pattimura, Jl Trunojoyo, Jl  Gunawarman, Jl Majapahit, Jl Ir Juanda, Jl Veteran III, Jl Medan Merdeka Barat, Jl Lingkar Mega Kuningan, Jl Lingkar SCBD, Jl Setia Budi Tengah. 

During the ASEAN Summit, alternative routes will be prepared that can be used by road users.