Is Air Pollution Really Related to Acid Reflux?

Polusi Udara Jakarta.
Polusi Udara Jakarta.
Sumber :
  • VIVA/M Ali Wafa

Jakarta – Air pollution has long been known as a big cause of health problem such as respiratory disorders and cardiovascular disease.

However, recent research suggests a possible link between air pollution and a more unusual health problem: acid reflux.

Previous a study was said that air pollution can cause serious health problems, including an increased risk of lung disease, heart disease and even premature death.

The tiny particles and chemicals in air pollution can damage the respiratory tract and cardiovascular system, trigger inflammation, and affect the immune system.

Refluks asam lambung, sakit lambung, gerd

Refluks asam lambung, sakit lambung, gerd

Photo :
  • Pixabay/ Robystarm

Recently, research has started to explore the possible the related of between air pollution and the health issue of acid reflux.

Acid reflux is a condition in which stomach contents rise into the esophagus, causing symptoms such as a burning sensation in the chest like heartburn, and discomfort.

A study published in the journal "Environmental Science & Technology" this month found a correlation between air pollution levels and increased symptoms of acid reflux.

The study was conducted by analyzing air pollution data and medical histories of thousands of participants over a long period of time.

Although the exact link between air pollution and acid reflux still needs to be studied further, researchers have suggested several potential mechanisms.

One is that air pollution particles may damage the protective lining in the esophagus, thereby increasing the risk of stomach acid rising upwards.

While this finding is interesting, further research is needed to confirm this relationship and understand the underlying mechanisms. 

Air pollution has long been a serious concern in global public health. Recent research uncovering a possible link between air pollution and acid reflux suggests that its impact may be more widespread than previously thought.

However, this research is still in its early stages, and more studies are needed to confirm these findings and understand in depth the mechanisms involved.

In maintaining our health, efforts to reduce exposure to air pollution remain a priority.