The Reasons Why Jaw Clicking: Knowing How to Fix It

- Dental Health Society
Jakarta – Jaw clicking, also known as temporomandibular joint (TMJ) clicking, is a common condition that can cause discomfort and concern. When the jaw clicks or pops during movement, it may be attributed to various factors, such as cartilage displacement, joint misalignment, or muscle imbalances.
Teeth grinding or clenching, also known as bruxism, can also contribute to jaw clicking. In some cases, jaw clicking may not cause pain or require treatment, but it is essential to monitor its frequency and any associated symptoms.
If jaw clicking is persistent or accompanied by pain, limited jaw movement, or headaches, seeking professional advice from a dentist or TMJ specialist is recommended.

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- TMJ Specialist Sidney
A proper evaluation can help determine the underlying cause and guide appropriate treatment options, which may include exercises, lifestyle changes, or the use of mouthguards to alleviate symptoms and improve jaw function.
Well, here are the reasons why jaw is clicking, as quoted from various sources:
1. Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorders
Problems with the TMJ, such as inflammation, dislocation, or degeneration, can lead to clicking sounds when the jaw moves.
2. Bruxism
Teeth grinding or clenching, especially during sleep, can put stress on the TMJ and lead to jaw clicking.
3. Arthritis
Inflammatory conditions like arthritis can affect the TMJ, leading to jaw clicking and discomfort.
4. Muscle Tension
Stress and tension can cause the jaw muscles to tighten, contributing to clicking or popping sounds.
5. Trauma or Injury
Accidents or injuries to the jaw can damage the TMJ, leading to jaw clicking.
6. Excessive Gum Chewing
Frequent gum chewing can strain the jaw joint and contribute to clicking sounds.
7. Dental Work
Certain dental treatments or procedures can impact the jaw alignment and lead to clicking.
8. Habits and Posture
Poor habits like biting nails or holding the jaw in an awkward position can put strain on the TMJ and contribute to clicking.
So, here are some ways to fix jaw clicking:
-Consult a Professional
-Self-Care Technique
-Oral Devices
-Physical Therapy
-Pain Management
-Stress Reduction
-Dental Treatments
-Prescription Medication
Remember, proper diagnosis is key to effective treatment. Do not attempt self-treatment without consulting a professional, as it might worsen the condition. Jaw exercises or other treatments should be done under the guidance of a qualified specialist.