What Will Happen If Humans Dissapear from Earth

Planet Bumi.
Planet Bumi.
Sumber :
  • Spacenews

World – Earth and humans are connected to each other as Earth being the home of all humans. But what will happen if humans suddenly disappeared from Earth?

If that were to happen, the world would become silent. Even after a year without humans, the sky would become bluer, and the air would become clearer.

Meanwhile, wind and rain would cleanse the Earth's surface, removing all the smog and dust created by humans.

Ilustrasi Alien sedang mengawasi Bumi.

Ilustrasi Alien sedang mengawasi Bumi.

Photo :
  • Dok. Istimewa

The water systems would eventually come to a halt, especially when not used by humans. Water would stagnate in pipes and pumps.

Electricity would also cease to exist. Power plants would stop working since there would be no one to monitor and maintain the fuel supply. Homes would be dark, without lights, TVs, phones, or computers.

Homes would also become dusty. There is always dust in the air, but we don't notice it because Air conditioner (AC) systems and heaters blow air everywhere.

As humans move through rooms in their homes, they also accumulate dust. But once all of that stops, the air inside homes would be still, and dust would settle everywhere.

Additionally, grass in yards would grow so long and droop that it would stop growing further. New weeds would sprout and be everywhere. Many plants that have never been seen before would take root in yards.

Whenever a tree drops its seeds, a few saplings would grow. There would be no one there to pull them out or cut them down.

In the environment, creatures would roam, from mice, groundhogs, raccoons, squirrels, foxes, and otters to deer, coyotes, and even bears.

Without electric lights, the rhythms of nature would return. The only source of light would be the Sun, Moon, and stars. Nocturnal creatures would rejoice as the dark sky returns.

A decade later, cracks would begin to appear, with small plants swaying through them. This happens because the Earth keeps moving. With this movement comes pressure that eventually turns into cracks.

This would cause roads to crack, resembling shattered glass, and trees would grow through them. Metal-legged bridges would slowly rust. Beams and bolts holding the bridges would also rust.

However, large concrete bridges and interstate highways would endure for centuries. Farms would return to nature.

The plants we eat would start to vanish. There wouldn't be much corn, potatoes, or tomatoes left.

Meanwhile, Livestock would become easy prey for bears, wolves, and big cats. Meanwhile, pets like cats would become feral, although many would be preyed upon by larger animals. Most dogs probably will not survive.