Ministry Spends IDR53.8 Billion for Hajj Pilgrims Health Supplies

- MCH 2023
VIVA – The Indonesian Finance Ministry has allocated a budget of IDR 53.8 billion to provide medicines and health supplies for Indonesian Hajj pilgrims in 2023. The budget comes from the State Budget (APBN).
The budget is given to support the health of pilgrims, each of which will be given to pilgrims as a form of Government responsibility.

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"Ministry of Health cq. Directorate General of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices has registered eight contracts with KPPN Jakarta VII with a value of IDR 53.8 billion. Which comes from the state budget (APBN) for the provision of medicines and medical supplies for Indonesian pilgrims in 2023," wrote the Directorate General of Treasury of the Finance Ministry through the Instagram account @ditjenperbendaharaan, quoted on Wednesday.
As of May 29, 2023, the funds that have been paid by the Jakarta VII State Treasury Service Office (KPPN) based on the catcher's request amounted to IDR 2.15 billion.
He explained for Hajj drugs and health supplies were provided in 2023, including respiratory tract drugs, and gastrointestinal drugs.
Then, antidiabetic drugs, analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs, cardiovascular drugs, multivitamins, electrolyte solutions, and milk.
"One of the important factors in the smooth implementation of pilgrimage is the health service for pilgrims. Health service becomes part of the state's responsibility to serve is congregation," the Directorate General of Treasury stated.