Domestic Worker Protection Bill to Inaugurated This Year

Aksi Pekerja Rumah Tangga Indonesia
Aksi Pekerja Rumah Tangga Indonesia
Sumber :
  • VIVAnews/Anhar Rizki Affandi

VIVA – Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziah has promised that the Draft Law on the Domestic Worker Protection (PPRT) will be inaugurated by the government and the House of Representatives this year.

Fauziah admitted that President Joko Widodo had also given directions to her, to coordinate the discussion of the Problem Inventory List (DIM) of the PPRT Bill in April 2023.

"Since April 5, 2023, the Ministry of Manpower has conducted several discussion meetings. Starting from the internal consolidation of the Ministry of Manpower, aspirations, to discussions with the Inter-Ministry / Institution Committee," the minister stated on Monday.

Menteri Ketenagakerjaan, Ida Fauziah

Menteri Ketenagakerjaan, Ida Fauziah

Photo :
  • Biro Humas Kemnaker

"The DIM has also been discussed, and will soon be discussed further with the Legislation Body of the House of Representatives," she said.

Minister Fauziah ensured that the DIM discussion of the PPRT Bill had previously run quickly and smoothly, despite being carried out in a relatively short time.

She also hopes that all relevant Ministries/Institutions will complete the discussion of the DIM of the Domestic Worker Protection Bill as soon as possible.

This hope has even been conveyed to various labor stakeholders, who have provided input in the absorption of PPRT Bill aspirations.

"This is nothing but a form of our joint commitment to present a legal umbrella, in order to provide adequate protection to those who work as domestic workers," the minister remarked.

She added that the PPRT Bill was drafted with the aim of, among others, providing legal certainty to domestic workers and employers, preventing all forms of exploitation, violence, and destruction against domestic workers.

It is also to create harmonious working relationships by upholding human values and justice, improving the knowledge, skills, and expertise of domestic helpers and improving the welfare of domestic helpers.

The principles of protection enshrined in the PPRT Bill are kinship, justice, welfare, legal certainty, and respect for human rights.

"Through the processes that have been passed in the preparation, we believe this bill has fulfilled meaningful participation, so that it can describe the reality in order to provide protection to domestic workers," Minister Fauziah informed.

As information, several stakeholders involved in the aspirations of the PPRT Bill include Jala PRT; National Commission on Women; National Commission on Human Rights; Civil Society Organizations; LPK; LPPRT; KADIN; APINDO; SP/SB; Practitioners; Academics; Offices in charge of manpower; and institutions.