The Main Reason Why People Choose to Divorce: Not Only Cheating

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  • U-Report

VIVA – Having a happy marriage for a lifetime is a dream for everyone in the world. But the worst possibility in marriage, such as divorce cannot be avoided. 

Based on a study published by PubMed Central, 75 percent of divorced people admitted that the cause of their broken homes was a lack of commitment. Meanwhile, 59.6 percent of couples divorced due to infidelity and 57.7 percent due to too much conflict and fighting.

As many as 75 percent of respondents admitted that their commitment to the marriage relationship gradually eroded over time. As a result, their commitment 'runs out' and is not enough to maintain their marriage relationship.

The first ten years of marriage are the biggest challenge for domestic partners. This is because many things happen in the household during this period, one of which is times of crisis, according to the Physocology Today site. 

According to several studies, during the first seven years, marriage is still in stable times. However, in the next two to three years, there begins to be anxiety and transition before the next stage.

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In the first few years of marriage, a person will build a life with new rules and routines with 'the other person' so stability is needed. During this time, they are indirectly not being themselves to do their best to impress their partner.

Usually, people are required to compromise with new routines and conflicts that seem trivial, such as who is in charge of taking out the garbage, how often the partner is allowed to go home to the parent's house, and sex issues.

Entering the fifth to eighth year, one or both partners start to feel restless, such as feeling that the rules and routines in the household do not match, start to find differences in principles, question the marriage, and feel less fulfilled by each other.

If a couple is unable to communicate well on these issues, the marriage will begin to enter its most challenging stage, with frequent arguments, isolation, and eventually divorce.

In addition to incompatible routines and household rules, several things become the main focus during the first ten years of marriage.

These focuses can trigger divorce, such as work and career, aging, long-term plans, coming to terms with childhood trauma, improving relationships with parents, and intimate relationships with partners.