Knowing Highway Hypnosis and Ways to Avoid It

Ilustrasi mengemudi mobil di siang hari
Sumber :
  • V-Kool

VIVA – Highway hypnosis, also known as white-line fever or driving without attention mode, is a state of mind that could happen while driving long distances on a monotonous and familiar route. This can cause drivers could not respond to changes in the road situation that may threaten safety of themself and other road users. 

It is characterized by a feeling of disconnection from the driving task, where the driver is no longer consciously aware of their actions and may have limited memory of the journey.

This phenomenon is thought to be caused by a combination of factors, including the repetitive and monotonous nature of the driving environment, a lack of external stimulation, and fatigue. 

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  • Istimewa

The brain's automatic responses take over, leading to a reduced level of awareness and attention, which can be dangerous if a sudden hazard or change in road conditions occurs.

Well, to avoid highway hypnosis, it is recommended to take regular breaks, then have some caffeine when you feel sleepy while driving. Caffeine can help boost alertness, but it might not be enough to keep you awake entirely, as quoted from healthline site. 

After that, you can talk to someone can help keep your brain engaged. If you can’t safely use a hands-free device to call a friend while driving, get off the road as soon as you can, and then connect the call.

If you know you have to drive for a long time, try making plans with a loved one ahead of time so you can make sure they’re available for a call. It’s also totally fine to talk to yourself.

Also, highway hypnosis is more common in tired drivers. Making sure you get enough sleep before hitting the road may help lower your chances of zoning out (or drifting off) while driving.

It’s also wise to check the labels of any medications you’re taking to make sure they don’t cause drowsiness.

If they do, you might want to ask your healthcare provider about briefly discontinuing them so you can drive safely. (But don’t stop taking any medications without their approval). 

Driving at night may increase the likelihood of experiencing highway hypnosis or falling asleep behind the wheel, so try to drive during the day whenever possible.