President Warmly Open to Freedom of Speech by Public, KSP Affirms
- U-Report
VIVA – The Presidential Staff Office (KSP) has emphasized that the administration of President Joko Widodo and Vice President Ma'ruf Amin era commit to respecting the freedom of speech and expression of the public, including those criticizing development progress.
"Criticism is legitimate and is protected by law in democratic countries, as long as it does not become defamation or hate speech. Hence, (the authorities) should not avoid criticisms or inputs. President Jokowi and the KSP firmly believe that criticisms must be welcomed," KSP main expert staff Joanes Joko stated, according to a statement released here on Saturday.
Joko made the remarks in response to the alleged intimidation of the family of Bima Yudho Saputro – a resident from Lampung who criticized the lack of progress in development in his home province via social media – by the regional authority and local police.
Tenaga Ahli Utama KSP, Joanes Joko
He also emphasized that President Jokowi's administration always focuses on working to filter feedback to improve public services by the Government.
KSP will continue to cooperate with law enforcement officials in responding to criticism and input from the public so that similar cases are not repeated, he remarked.
"To Bima Yudho, never be tired of loving your hometown. Never get tired of loving Indonesia. Keep providing input and criticism. As long as the criticism given is correct, never be afraid. KSP, in reasonable corridors, will continue to support," Joko expressed.
People will not criticize if they are not paying attention. They criticize because they care. So, this needs to be appreciated. It is only fitting that the local government and the central government capture this input instead of silencing them.
KSP continues to carry out its commitment not to be anti-criticism, one is through the KSP Mendengar program, to receive input and criticism.
Joko added: "Because criticism is needed for the common good,"