Human Capital Becomes Significant Thing for Digital Transformation

Menkominfo, Johnny G Plate
Menkominfo, Johnny G Plate
Sumber :
  • VIVA/ Yeni Lestari

VIVA – Based on the report on the results of measuring Indonesia's digital literacy index by the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology together with the Katadata Insight Center (KIC) in 2022, Indonesia's digital literacy level is at 3.54 points on a scale of 1-5.

This means that it is in the 'medium' category with the measurement of the Digital Literacy Index Framework using four pillars. The four are Digital Skills, Digital Ethics, Digital Safety, and Digital Culture.

The Digital Culture pillar (3.84) has the highest score, followed by Digital Ethics (3.68), Digital Skills (3.52), and Digital Safety (3.12).

Then, the internet penetration rate in Indonesia is also getting higher, reaching 77.02 percent in 2022. This needs to be balanced with the strength of a solid digital user character foundation.

Transformasi digital.

Transformasi digital.

Photo :
  • IMT Solutions

Minister of Communication and Information Technology, Johnny G Plate revealed that the preparation of good, productive, and competitive Indonesian human resources (HR) is a significant thing to the digital transformation implementation.

"We continue to consistently run digital literacy programs to maximize the potential of digital space while minimizing the negative impacts caused by the internet such as hoaxes, online bullying (cyberbullying), sexual violence, and other cybercrimes," Minister Johnny said in his official statement on Thursday, February 16, 2023.

Johnny G Plate's statement was part of the digital savvy talk show held by the North Maluku Digital Literacy Project Management entitled 'Building Personal Branding on Social Media'.

Furthermore, on the same occasion, the Regional Project Director of Maluku and Papua Digital Literacy, Thamrin Ali Ibrahim, explained that digital literacy education covers four regions, namely North Maluku, Maluku, Papua, and West Papua with the community segment.

"For the community segment, it will be held in 22 villages in Ternate City and other regencies/cities in North Maluku. We want to disseminate knowledge and understanding related to the four pillars of digital literacy," he explained.