5 Possibilities If Indonesia was Never Colonized by Other Countries

Ilustrasi rakyat Indonesia
Ilustrasi rakyat Indonesia
Sumber :
  • vstory

VIVA – Indonesia was born from the struggles of many heroes and people. This country has a lot of natural resources that make many other countries want Indonesia's wealth.

All Indonesians must have known that long before Indonesia's independence, colonization was still ongoing and involved several foreign countries. Some of the most commonly heard colonization were those of the Dutch and Japanese.

However, there is always something positive that can be taken from the effects of colonization experienced by the Indonesian people. If Indonesia had not been colonized at that time, then some of the possibilities might have occurred until the present time.

Peta Indonesia.

Peta Indonesia.

Photo :
  • http://jalanalakid.blogspot.com

1. Indonesian Name Will Not Exist

During the colonial era, Indonesia was not a republic but several kingdoms. Heroes from all the kingdoms united to fight colonialism. If there was no colonization, then the heroes would not have united and the archipelago would not have become Indonesia.

2. There Will Be No State Attributes

Garuda Pancasila

Photo :
  • Istimewa

Because it will never unite and become a country, obviously there will be no state attributes. Because each existing kingdom has different symbols and attributes.

3. Society Will Be Divided

In addition to showing the country the existence of colonization by colonials, it apparently makes the community merge and unite. The people in each tribe will merge and not distinguish themselves from one another.

However, if no colonizers came to the archipelago, then the people would remain tribal and even create their authority.

4. the War Between Kingdoms

If the archipelago had never been colonized, it is possible that until this moment the existing kingdoms would fight each other for power. This also reflects on history, for example, Majapahit which expanded its territory to Sumatra and Kalimantan.

5. Indonesia Will Be Left Behind

The most important thing if Indonesia is not colonized is that the civilization of its people is left behind. Because, colonizers provide positive things in the form of contributing to progress in the fields of technology, education, health, and other things.

The existence of sophisticated tools makes Indonesians who lack an understanding of various technologies new insights.