Six Most Dangerous Foods in the World
- Pixabay
VIVA – Food is one of the things that many people love. Food is also a primary need by the world. Unfortunately, there are some dangerous food to consume, especially in excess. WHO estimates that every year, around 600 million people fall ill after consuming contaminated food, resulting in 420,000 deaths.
Of these 600 million people, some get sick from eating food that was improperly prepared or handled, or contaminated during processing. Some had severe allergic reactions to ingredients, and very few became ill after testing their limits by voluntarily eating something that ended up being harmful to them.
So, here are six of the most dangerous foods in the world that people need to be aware of.
1. Fugu (Pufferfish)
This variety of fish is banned in the United States. And the reason is most obvious. Fugu is one of the most poisonous things in the world. It is 1,200 times more dangerous than cyanide. It has to be cooked in a particular way to remove the poison. If there's any mistake while preparing and cooking it, it will cause a certain death.
2. Ackee Fruit
Ackee is a Jamaican fruit that can be deadly if eaten unripe. It could result in vomiting or certain circumstances, even death. If you ever come across this fruit, never eat it if it's still yellow. Yellow ackee fruit consists of hypoglycin A, which can cause hypoglycemia. The black seeds of the fruit are poisonous to eat whether the fruit is raw or ripe.
3. Sannakji
Sannakji is a dish that consists of raw octopus. In fact, it is eaten while the octopus is still squirming. Although it is killed before it’s eaten, it still moves and could attach to people's throats through its suction cups. Six people die every year by eating it. According to Food and Wine, around six people died because try to eat Sannakji.
4. Hákarl
Hákarl is a type of Greenland shark meat that is heavily fermented. Greenland shark meat is poisonous. It contains high levels of trimethylamine oxide and uric acid, which if ingested, can cause extreme poisoning, intestinal distress, neurological effects, and can sometimes lead to death. However, the toxins can be neutralized by allowing them to decompose.
5. Rhubarb
Rhubarb leaves are known to contain oxalic acid, which is toxic to the kidneys and can even kill you if you consume too much of it. An adult weighing 143 pounds (65 kg) would need to eat between nine and 18 pounds (four to eight kg) of rhubarb leaves for this to happen.
But even if only a few leaves are ingested, you will probably experience several unpleasant side effects, such as throat and mouth burning, nausea, difficulty breathing, diarrhea, and more.
6. Cassava
Cassava is also known as tapioca. It is produced from the roots of a plant. If cassava is not cooked and prepared properly, it can produce cyanide. Also, those who suffer from latex rubber allergy should abstain from eating it as it may produce allergies. But in Indonesia, this food is usually eaten by Indonesians.