Government Encourages Affordable Set Top Box Supply

Set-Top Box (STB) atau dekoder untuk menangkap sinyal TV digital.
Set-Top Box (STB) atau dekoder untuk menangkap sinyal TV digital.
Sumber :
  • Akari

VIVA – The government through the Minister of Communication and Information Technology, Johnny G. Plate, encourages the availability of set-top box (STB) at affordable prices.

“We have switched off analog signals in many regions and have also received inputs from the public. Some of the issues to be monitored and become the Government’s attention are distribution and availability of STB at an affordable price,” The minister Johnny said, on Wednesday, January 11, 2023.

Moreover, Minister Johnny also encouraged industries to pay close attention to the distribution and availability of STB to improve people’s access to digital broadcast, “We want this matter to be coordinated with related associations. It needs to be followed up so manufacturing companies can provide enough supply,” he said.

Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika Johnny G Plate

Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika Johnny G Plate

Photo :
  • Misrohatun Hasanah

The Minister explains that the supply will affect the price of Set Top Box in the market; thus, strategic, steps are needed to ensure the availability of affordable STB for society.

“It’s become our concern since some people bought the STB at their own expense and they also install it on their own. Some people are eligible for free STB but it has not been distributed and installed,” Minister Johnny G. Plate stated.

For the record, migration of TV broadcasts from analog to digital broadcasts through the analog switch-off (ASO) program has been done in 265 out of 514 regions. The Government will also continue implementing the program in other 249 regions.