Bakrie Amanah Finalizes Plan to Build Lampung Great Mosque

- Istimewa
VIVA – The Vice Chairman of Bakrie Amanah, Teguh Anantawikrama made a warm visit to the regional leaders of Lampung Provincial to discuss the mosque construction plan. This meeting was held in the Office of the Regional Secretary of Lampung Province on Monday, December 19, 2022.
Furthermore, this visit was carried out to improve coordination between stakeholders to finalize the plan to build the Bandar Lampung Grand Mosque to provide great benefits to the people of Lampung.
"This coordination is very necessary so that the common intention to restore the function of the mosque as directed by our god, Rasulullah SAW so the mosque becomes the center of the development of faith, intellect, and people's economy can become a reality," Teguh Anantawikrama said in the middle of the meeting.

Wakil Ketua Bakrie Amanah Teguh Anantawikrama & jajaran pimpinan daerah Lampung
- Istimewa
In line with this, the Regional Secretary of Lampung Province, Fahrizal Darminto said that he welcomed and strongly supported the construction of the Lampung Great Mosque.
Fahrizal Darminto also hopes that the construction of this mosque can be a driving force for community activities while fostering solidarity in religious life, nation, and state.
"Of course, we all hope that this (Bandar Lampung Great Mosque) can bring and have a positive impact on Lampung Province and become a model for the development of mosque functions in various other places," Fahrizal Darmianto remarked.
The construction of the Great Mosque, which is planned to be built on 2.4 hectares of land, will begin construction in early 2023 and is targeted to be completed before Hari Raya 2024. It is estimated that the mosque can accommodate 10,000 to 20,000 worshipers.