The Mysterious Curse and Death of Archaeologists at Pharaoh Tomb

Peti mati Firaun.
Peti mati Firaun.
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VIVA – In 1922, the tomb of King Tutankhamun, also known as King Tut in Egypt, was discovered. This king was an Egyptian Pharaoh who ruled around 1330 BC. There was news, archaeologists tried to uncover this tomb and eventually died.

Since the discovery of his intact tomb by Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon 95 years ago to this day, many archaeologists have dedicated their lives to finding out more about how this powerful ruler died before the age of 20. However, it was known that 22 of the original archaeologists mysteriously passed away.

This mysterious death of archaeologists was thought to be a Pharaoh's curse. "The 3,000-year-old Pharaoh's curse is seen in George's illness," wrote newspaper headlines at that time.

Even the author of Sherlock Holmes, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, also believed in the curse.

Patung Firaun.

Patung Firaun.

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However, Archaeologist George was reportedly unwell before arriving in Cairo. Several more deaths were reported among people involved in the excavation of the tomb. But in the investigation conducted by James Randi who wrote An Encyclopedia of Claims, Frauds, and Hoaxes of the Occult and Supernatural, this is not the case.

Another member of the team of archaeologists, Richard Adamson, lived another 60 years until he died in 1982.

"This excavation team died on average at the age of 73," James wrote. 

As information, the Egyptians firmly believed in a life after death, and mummies of the pharaohs were buried in tombs filled with everything they would need for the afterlife, including tools, food, wine, perfume, and household items. Well, some 5,398 items were found in Tutankhamun’s tomb.