World Sight Day 2022: Avoid Risk of Blindness in Diabetes Patient

Pasien diabetes
Pasien diabetes
Sumber :
  • Eat This

VIVA – In commemoration of World Sight Day which is commemorated every second week of October, PT Bayer Indonesia reminds the public about the importance of healthy vision organs and diseases that can cause blindness and visual impairment, one is DME (Diabetic Macular Edema).

DME is a severe visual impairment that often occurs in productive age (under 50 years). DME is one of the causes of loss of productivity and income for sufferers. The longer people have diabetes, the greater their risk of DME.

If diagnosed early and receive appropriate treatment, it is possible for patients with vision loss to be stabilized and even restored, thereby improving their quality of life again.

In Indonesia, blindness due to diabetes is a big problem. According to Riskesdas 2018, in Indonesia, more than one million people suffer from Diabetes Mellitus and 5.5% of them have developed Diabetic Macular Edema.

World Sight Day 2022

World Sight Day 2022

Photo :
  • Arianti Widya

Head II of the Indonesian Ophthalmologist Association (PERDAMI) Center, dr. Ari Djatikusumo, Sp.M(K), said in his remarks on October 11, 2022, said that diabetic patients need to take action to avoid complications in their eyes, such as DME.

“I represent all ophthalmologists in Indonesia in PERDAMI, inviting stakeholders to actively support access to eye health. We also really appreciate Bayer Indonesia for taking the initiative to actively conduct education together with us to increase awareness regarding DME," dr. Ari said.

On the same occasion, Dr. dr. Gitalisa Andayani, Sp.M(K), a Consultant Ophthalmologist said that for diabetics, too much blood sugar can damage the small blood vessels on the back wall of the inside of the eye (retina) or it can clog the blood vessels as a whole.

World Sight Day 2022

Photo :
  • Arianti Widya

“DME is generally caused by a state of hyperglycemia in the retinal blood vessels that lasts for a long time in diabetic retinopathy patients. In the end, DME can cause a loss of productivity to income. Socially, DME will affect relationships with family, community, and even with society at large, so that sufferers often experience stress,” dr. Gita explained.

It is known, the initial symptoms of DME, usually begin with blurred vision, then loss of contrast color that can be recognized by the eye, until finally, a blind spot appears.

The treatment for DME can be focused on two, namely controlling systemic factors and providing ocular therapy. Systemic factor control aims to prevent retinopathy and disease progression by controlling blood sugar, blood pressure, and blood lipid levels.

While ocular therapy aims to prevent vision loss and improve vision using anti-VEGF therapy, laser therapy, and steroids. Currently, there are four anti-VEGF treatments in Indonesia, namely Aflibercept, Ranibizumab, Brolucizumab, and Bevacizumab. Anti-VEGF Aflibercept therapy has high efficacy.

Unfortunately, there are some side effects of anti-VEGF treatment, namely eye pain, allergic reactions, red eyes, and others. However, these side effects can be overcome and the cure has been prepared.