Five Weirdest and Unexpected Food Ingredients in the World

Ilustrasi permen atau makanan manis
Ilustrasi permen atau makanan manis
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  • Freepik: azerbaijan

VIVA English Site – Many people like delicious food with great taste. Not only the taste is considered, but also the food ingredient used in the process of making the food. It turns out that there are some of the weirdest and most unexpected food ingredients in the world.

Food ingredients in a portion of food are important things to consider by some people because of their weight and certain allergies. As quoted from The Recipe, here are some food ingredients found in some foods, but not all food products use these ingredients.

1. Shellac or Insect Secretion

Ilustrasi permen atau makanan manis.

Ilustrasi permen atau makanan manis.

Photo :
  • U-Report

Shellac or Kerria Lacca Secretion is a food ingredient derived from Thailand insects. In addition, this food ingredient is not only something found in candy. Some medicines have it, as do vitamins and fruits.

Some people may know this by another name. Sometimes it appears on labels as "candied resin," or "natural glaze."

2. Lanolin or Sheep Oil

Ilustrasi permen karet.

Photo :
  • Pixabay/giesje

Like other candy products, chewing gum also contains strange food ingredients. One is Lanolin. Lanolin is known to be derived from the secretions of Sheep. Lanolin has a wax-like substance. It is also a substance used in skin care products that only makes it sound dirtier.

3. Dimethylpolysiloxane or Plastic

Dimethylpolysiloxane or polydimethylsiloxane is a type of silicone, and it can be used for many things. Many non-food items contain this substance, some of which are shampoo, contact lenses, and conditioner. However, this food ingredient is also used as an ingredient in many foods served in fast food restaurants.

Ilustrasi virus.

Photo :
  • Freepik/Harryarts

It turns out that the virus became one of the ingredients that can be used for food. But, not without reason. One surprising fact is that viruses that are considered dangerous have health benefits.

The type of virus that is used as food is Bacteriophage, which fights bad viruses. Bacteriophages are commonly sprayed on deli meats, as well as similar products, to combat Listeria and E. Coli.

5. Ammonium Sulfate

Amonium Sulfat

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  • flickr

Ammonium Sulfate is usually not safe for consumption, because it is contained in fertilizers and vaccines. But it turns out that Ammonium Sulfate is one of the foodstuffs that have the appearance and texture of salt.

However, Ammonium Sulfate does not have the same odor or taste as known salts. One of the foods that contain a lot of ammonium sulfate is bread. Ammonium Sulfate serves to strengthen the dough.