Three Scientists of Quantum Mechanics Won Physics Nobel Prize

- Aljazeera
VIVA – The 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics has been won by three scientists for their work on quantum mechanics. Alain Aspect from France, John Clauser from the United States, and Anton Zeilinger from Austria have won the £802,000 or around US$795,300 prize announced on Tuesday, October 4, 2022, by the Royal Swedish Academy of Science in Stockholm.
These three researchers won the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics for "experiments with entangled photons, establishing the violation of Bell inequalities and pioneering quantum information science”.
The work of these scientists has focused on a phenomenon known as quantum entanglement, which was dubbed “spooky action at a distance” by Albert Einstein. The research is expected to play an important role in quantum computing, secure information transfer, and sensing technologies.
“Quantum information science is a dynamic and rapidly evolving field. This has far-reaching and potential implications in areas such as secure information transfer, quantum computing, and sensing technology,” Nobel Committee member, Eva Olsson said.
“Its origins can be traced to quantum mechanics. Their predictions have opened doors to other worlds, and they have also shaken the foundations of how we interpret measurements." Eva Olsson added.

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- U-Report
While physicists often tackle problems that seem at first glance far from everyday problems, tiny particles, and the vast mysteries of space and time make their research provide the basis for many other practical applications of science.
As quoted from the guardian site, quantum entanglement, in a nutshell, means that the properties of one particle can be deduced by examining the properties of a second particle even if they are separated by a large distance.
For example, an easy way to imagine this is to think about being given one of two balls, one of which is white and the other black. If you receive a white ball, you know the other ball is black.
Importantly, however, the properties of each particle are not fixed until they are examined, in the ball scenario this would mean that both balls are grey until looked at, whereupon one turns white and the other black.
Last year, the award went to three scientists Syukuro Manabe, Klaus Hasselmann, and Giorgio Parisi whose work has helped explain and predict the complex forces of nature, thereby expanding our understanding of climate change.
As information, the announcement of the Nobel Prize started on Monday, October 3, 2022, with Swedish Scientist, Svante Paabo receiving an award in medicine for unlocking the secrets of Neanderthal DNA that provide key insights into our immune system.