Achmad Bakrie Award Significant for Indonesian Culture
- VIVA/M Ali Wafa
VIVA – In the 2022 Achmad Bakrie Award on August 14, 2022, Nirwan Dewanto received an award in the field of literature. Nirwan conveyed this award is significant for the arts and Indonesian culture.
Seen, the coordinating minister for Economic Affairs, Airlangga Hartanto and Research Professor of Indonesian Politics, Saiful Mujani will present a charter award to Nirwan Dewanto at the Theater Building, Central Jakarta.
After getting on stage, in his speech, Nirwan expressed his gratitude to the Achmad Bakrie foundation, especially the Achmad Bakrie family, Aburizal Bakrie, who had given him the award.
"I thank to the Achmad Bakrie foundation and the Achmad Bakrie family. Especially, Mr. Aburizal Bakrie. He has guarded this award for 20 years with clear and right arguments," Nirwan said during the PAB 2022 award ceremony on Sunday, August 14, 2022.
Penghargaan Achmad Bakrie XVIII 2022
- VIVA/M Ali Wafa
Nirwan Dewanto also said the Achmad Bakrie Award given to him was significant for the arts and sciences of Indonesian culture, the literary environment, the arts, and others.
"This award is not only important for myself. This award is also important for the literary, artistic, thought, scientific, research and cultural environment in Indonesia in general," Nirwan Dewanto remarked.
As for information, Nirwan Dewanto is an Indonesian poet, editor, essayist and curator. He has created several works of poetry, such as Jantung Lebah Ratu (2008), Buli-Buli Lima Kaki (2010), Jingga Book (2018), and many more.
During his career, Nirwan Dewanto was a speaker at the National Cultural Conference in 1991, then became the editor of Kalam magazine in February 1994. Not only that, in 1996, Nirwan published a collection of essays entitled Senjakala Budaya.
The event was attended by the Chairperson of the Organizers of PAB XVIII 2022, Aninditha Anestya Bakrie, Anindya Bakrie as Steering Committee. Then, representatives of the Bakrie Family, including Anindra Ardiansyah Bakrie, his wife Nia Ramadhani and their children. Also, Andhika Aryasthana Bakrie, and Taufan Nugroho.
The Chairperson of the PAB Organizer, Aninditha, said that The Achmad Bakrie Award this year coincided with the 80th anniversary of the Bakrie Group. PAB 2022 has a purpose for millennials and Gen Z.