5 Current Technologies that Try to Against God's Power

- chop.edu
VIVA – There are some technologies advances that was initially impossible to be possible. Until some of these innovations are referred to as technology against the power of God. For example, experts are trying to do research so that they can live forever or even bring back people who have died.
The project is even touted beyond human limits to be carried out. Because of it, some people say that the ambitions of these experts look like they want to go against God's nature. Therefore, it is not uncommon for controversy to arise from various parties.
Here are some current technologies that are beyond the power of God.
1. Cryogenic Technology for Everlasting Life

Cryogenic di Alcor
- Alcor
A company in Russia called KrioRus offers eternal life through a technology called Cryogenic. Cryogenic offers body freezing for £28,000 or around IDR 498 million.
Media Express from England once wrote that cryogenics is a science about cryopreservation by using liquid nitrogen. Especially for the preservation of the human body, so that the human body can be resurrected in the future.
Valeriya Udalova as director of KrioRus, said there is a possibility to create technology to bring the dead back to life, although there is no guarantee yet.
2. Artificial Womb
Advanced technology can also "create" living things from time to time. One example is the study of a scientist named Alan Fleck at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia who managed to "give birth" to a sheep.
The experiments were carried out in a system called a biobag, which is like a plastic bag that can isolate a lamb fetus as it is in its mother's womb.
Not only that, there is a tube attached to the sheep embryo, which serves as a substitute for the umbilical cord. The hose will pump blood into the sheep's body.
The research team created an artificial uterus with the same conditions, temperatures, and temperatures as the mother's womb to allow the embryo to grow normally until birth.
3. Awaken the Ancient Animals
Fosil bayi mamut
- Dailymail
One bioscience company believes it can make this ambitious project a reality. Colossal who deployed the bioscientific technology it developed to return a prehistoric mammoth or elephant to the Arctic tundra.
Colossal believes that reviving mammoths will restore damaged or lost ecosystems, and with do so, it can help slow or even halt the effects of climate change.
4. Technology to Resist Aging
Tanda penuaan dini, ukuran hidung jadi semakin besar
- U-Report
A team of scientists has successfully engineered human skin cells to make them look 30 years younger. Skin cells reset to a more youthful state, as far as certain molecular measurements are concerned.
While this research is still in its early stages, the technology it created could play an important role in the quest to produce a rejuvenating drug that could undo some of the damaging consequences of aging the body.
As we age, from heart disease to Alzheimer's disease, a number of age-related health problems must be addressed. In the future, the research described here may help find solutions to address this growing problem.
5. Creating a Replica of the Sun on Earth
Fasilitas Matahari buatan di China.
- www.weibo.com/CCTV News/Shuai Junquan
China and Britain are two countries that are vying to make a replica of the sun. Where the energy produced by the artificial sun can be utilized by humans. This artificial sun is made on the basis of nuclear fusion reactor technology.
It is believed that later when this replica of the sun has been successfully perfected, it will produce unlimited new energy.