5 Iconic Architectures by Ridwan Kamil, Marina Bay is One of Them

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VIVA – Mochamad Ridwan Kamil or usually called Ridwan Kamil has the ability in the field of building design or as a well-known architect in Indonesia. The governor of West Java is an alumnus of the Bandung Institute of Technology and a graduate of the Master of Urban Design, College of Environmental Design, University of California.
Ridwan Kamil's works are not only found in Indonesia, but also spread to the Asian continent. Even the building designed by Ridwan Kamil is recognized by the world and received prestigious awards on an international scale. So, here are some buildings designed by Ridwan Kamil.
1. Bottle House, Bandung
The Bottle House, located on Cigadung street, Bandung, is a private house inhabited by Ridwan Kamil and his family. This house, which has been built since 2005-2007, does look great. Just imagine, some of the walls of this house are made of almost 30 thousand used glass bottles.
This combination of bottles and colors produces Ridwan Kamil's quirky and elegant architecture. This 373-square-meter residence is considered to have future art value.
In fact, in 2009 this bottle house won the Green Design Award from Asia Building Construction Information Asia. In the event, this house eliminated competitors from Malaysia, Singapore, and Hong Kong.
2. Aceh Tsunami Museum
Aceh Tsunami Museum is a moment to commemorate the 2004 tsunami. The 2,500-square-meter building has four floors decorated with stunning geometric carvings on its curved walls.
In fact, the Governor of West Java, Ridwan Kamil also wrote a list of names of victims on the walls of the Aceh Tsunami Museum. Then there are simulations, photographs and dioramas to illustrate the horrific event.
3. Marina Bay Waterfront Master Plan, Singapore
The Marina Bay Sands building is one of the iconic places in Singapore. Unpredictable, this magnificent building with the characteristics of a cruise ship at its peak was the design by Ridwan Kamil.
Ridwan Kamil is one of the Indonesians working on the big project Marina Bay Waterfront Master Plan. The Marina Bay Sands building consists of 3 main towers with a height of 55 meters each.
4. Beijing Finance Street, China
The building was built by Ridwan Kamil's architecture abroad is Beijing Finance Street, China. The superblock area was designed directly by Kang Emil in 2003 and completed in 2008.
In this project, Ridwan Kamil gave a touch of green in the center of the superblock area. It aims to provide comfort for urban communities who visit it.
The parking area is not even visible from the street. The governor of West Java brought a big breakthrough by changing the city of Beijing to be more humane, namely by reducing parking spaces in front of the building.
5. Ningbo Newtown, China
Ridwan Kamil also helped design Ningbo Newtown. The husband of Atalia Praratya worked on the project in 2002 when he was still working at an architectural firm in Hong Kong.
Ridwan Kamil designed the city design, but the construction process could not be carried out quickly. This project was just completed in 2016.
Ningbo Newtown is a modern city design that is claimed to be one of the cities of the future. Ridwan Kamil's architectural design always has a deep philosophy from every stroke. In fact, not infrequently he achieved proud achievements in the world of architecture.