Anindya Bakrie: Bakrie & Brothers Drives to Renewable Energy

- Instagram @anindyabakrie
VIVA – In an interview with BloombergTv on June 2, 2022, Anindya Bakrie as the next generation from Bakrie & Brothers talked about the business’s future is definitely going to be renewables. Anindya is starting on an ambitious project to transform the 80-year-old group for driving to renewable energy and also electric vehicles.
Anindya also said that he has seen Indonesia has a lot to offer for this net zero transition and Indonesia can be the renewables and also electrification.
“So, the group embarked on this electrification starting with public transportation buses in Jakarta. Transjakarta alone in the next seven years, they’re going to have about 10000 buses to be electrified.” said Anindya Bakrie.
Not only that, Anindya Bakrie sees that there is a huge shortage of processed nickel.
“We would like to see how we can do it in an ESG way because Indonesia can actually do it. As we know Indonesia has nothing about renewables, such as hydro solar or ocean winds.” said Anindya.
“We also studying the initiative to build nickel cathode using hydro that is already available in Indonesia and try to serve the UK market.” Added Anindya.
After the process of the processed nickel, at three years, probably Indonesia can continue on from nickel to battery with a partner. So, it will be quite exciting from bus passenger cars and motorcycles too.
According to Anindya, globalization is at its best. Bakrie & Brothers actually partnered with BYD starting with buses for the modelling packaging. And later on, the group will look at passenger cars or motorcycles at the end but from battery sale to the left from nickel sulphate free course.
When met with Elon Musk on Monday, April 25, 2022. They discussed that Tesla will make a commitment to the Space in Indonesia and Anindya thinks about three things.
“I think three things, first, price is important. Southern price because the nickel price can be very high sometimes. So, having a range is important. Second, certainty of supply because some manufactures probably will do 80 percent using the LFC battery. Then, 20 percent may be NMC or the other way around. So, the certainty of Nickel is very important.” Said Anindya.
“For the third one, I think the way Indonesia processes it is also important because you cannot just sell EV cars. But the process is not using the net zero culture way.” added Anindya.
Anindya Bakrie also said that the Bakrie & Brothers in 80-years-old remembered the company and the vision for Indonesia. He said that the vision for the company is how the Bakrie group can be the Indonesian economy when it comes to modernization, industrialization, and digitalization to Indonesia.