How to Track a phone Number Without the Application
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VIVA – New technology is making it very easy for the some person to track a phone without having it. There are many websites and apps that allow you to track mysterious phone numbers and find out where and who the calls came from.
If you haven’t known about how to track a phone number without the application, here are some tips and trick for you:
1. How to Track a Phone Number with a Website
nama domain website
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No need to use an application, someone can track a phone number through the website. Here are the steps: First, visit site. Then, enter the phone number to be addressed. After that “Sign in” with Google or Microsoft. Click the icon ‘search’. Wait a minute, and the Truecaller will show data from the owner of the phone number.
Many other features are provided by True caller, such as finding caller information from just the number. Finds out who viewed the user's profile, and allows the user to find the location of the number being searched for.
2. How to Track a Phone Number with
With this site, people can know the information about the number that they are searching for. The steps are also quite easy. First, open your browser. Next, site access After that, enter the unknown phone number or the number you are calling. Then, you will find the information regarding whether the owner of the number is a fraud or not.
As information, this site is not only for finding out the phone number of a fraudster, but also it can help you to find out the account number of someone who has been reported as a potential fraudster.
3. How to Track a Phone Number with GPS
Aplikasi GPS.
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How to track the location of the next cellphone number without being known can be through the help of GPS. GPS is already installed on every smartphone because GPS is useful for knowing location points.
First step, open the site. Next, choose “Track a phone number here” menu. Then, select the country where your phone lost. After that, enter the phone number code with the number 62 if you are in Indonesia. Then, fill in the phone number with the complete phone number you want to find without using the number 0 in front of it. So, you can click search.
4. How to Track a Phone Number with Google Maps
Google Maps
You can open the Google Maps Application. For tracking a phone number with this Google Maps, you should connect with the internet connection. After that, go to Google Maps, then look for the options menu.
Next, go to the Friend List, then select Add Friend or Add Friend. You can invite family, friends, girlfriends, neighbors, or the cellphone number whose position you want to know and make sure the target phone number has received the invite or invitation earlier.
Click on a friend or relative that you want to track and Google Maps will automatically track and notify you of the whereabouts of the target being tracked.
5. How to Track a Phone Number with Email
email bisnis
If your smart phone is lost, you can try to track it using the email used to log in on the smartphone. Here are the Steps to track it:
First, you can access via cellphone or via personal computer. Then, login according to the email address and password installed on the lost cellphone. After that, click the 9 icon or the 9 dots icon. Next, select the Google account menu, then go to the open my activity option. Look for the 3 stripes menu in the left corner on the PC Display and you can click on activity control.
That's a review of how to track a phone number without an application. Good luck.