Indonesia Finishes in Top 3 at the 2021 SEA Games Final Standings

- Wikipedia
VIVA – Indonesian contingent ended the 2021 Vietnam SEA Games on May 12 to May 23 in third place and the result of final standings with 69 golds, 91 silvers, 81 bronzes. These results were in line with the expectations conveyed by President Joko Widodo.
The medals obtained by the Indonesian team were far behind Vietnam as the host of 2021 SEA Games with 205 golds, 125 silvers, 116 bronzes while Thailand reached the second place with 92 golds, 103 silvers and 136 bronzes.
However, the achievement of the Indonesian contingent was still better than the results of the Philippines SEA Games which finished fourth.
Likewise with the results of the previous two biennial championships, which only finished fifth. Finally, Indonesia had won the 2011 SEA Games.

Kontingen Indonesia dalam pembukaan SEA Games 2021.
- ANTARA FOTO/Zabur Karuru/pras.
From the 32 sports that were participated in, Indonesian athletes were able to donate medals even though there were some who missed the target, one of which was Pencak Silat. The target can get 4 golds in the traditional Indonesian martial arts or called Pencak Silat branch turned out to be only get 1 gold.
Many branches of martial arts have not lived up to expectations, except for karate which has successfully fulfilled the targets.
Different results came from the Olympic sports such as rowing, canoeing, shooting, and archery were able to become gold barns for the Indonesian contingent.
Also, the surprises also come in Uncle Ho's country from the swimming pool that gave birth to new champions, namely Masniari Wolf, 16 years old and Flairene Candrea, 17 years old. These two teenagers won gold in their debut match and broke the gold shortage of Indonesian women's swimmers.
The same goes for men's basketball. The Indonesian national team succeeded in winning gold after defeating the defending champion Philippines in the last 13 games, which has dominated the podium for 13 times in the biennial championship.
Here are the SEA Games 2021 medal standings based on
1. Vietnam with 205 golds, 125 silvers, 116 bronzes, 446 total medals
2. Thailand with 92 golds, 103 silvers, 136 bronzes, 331 total medals
3. Indonesia with 69 golds, 91 silvers, 81 bronzes, 241 total medals
4. Philippines with 52 golds, 70 silvers, 104 bronzes, 226 total medals
5. Singapore with 47 golds, 46 silvers, 73 bronzes, 166 total medals
6. Malaysia with 39 golds, 45 silvers, and 90 bronzes, 174 total medals
7. Myanmar with 9 golds, 18 silvers, 35 bronzes, 62 total medals
8. Cambodia with 9 golds, 13 silvers, 41 bronzes, 63 total medals
9. Laos with 2 golds, 7 silvers, 33 bronzes, 42 total medals
10. Brunei with 1 gold, 1 silver, 1 bronze, 3 total medals
11. Timor Leste with 0 gold, 3 silvers, 2 bronzes, 5 total medals