Budi Gunadi Sadikin: 3 Priorities for Handling Covid-19 Funds

- tvOne.
VIVA – Minister of Health Indonesia, Budi Gunadi Sadikin as a speaker at the Global Covid-19 Summit. This meeting was held virtually. A quote by the official youtube account, The White House on Thursday, May 12, 2022, Minister Budi added about Indonesia's three health priorities for handling Covid-19 in finances.
Before starting, Minister Budi Sadikin was welcomed by the moderator warmly.
In his statement, the Minister of Health said that Covid-19 did physically separate, but didn’t stop to build cooperation and the world became a safer place.
“Covid 19 has separated us physically and yeah it has not stopped us from working together, building a world in a new safe place to be. As a leader of this our responsibilities to ensure that the world learns the lessons of the covid-19 pandemic has shocked us.” Said Budi Sadikin.
“Covid-19 pandemic has shaken our global health system, bringing with it many consequences to our lives, to our health, and economy and the high bank for us to build a better and more resilient global health system.” he added.
The Minister of Health, Budi Gunadi Sadikin, said that as Indonesia, which takes assumptions through the G20 Presidency, Indonesia is committed to three health priorities.
“As Indonesia, by the G20 Presidency, we are committed to three health priorities. First, we are continuing the Italian G20 Presidency addition to setting up global financial intermediaries followed by creating an easy and just access to emergency medical countermeasures that includes vaccines and diagnosis two,” said Budi Sadikin.
He also said that Indonesia was very grateful for the commitment shown by the governments of the United States, Germany, Republic of Korea, and the European commission of the new financial intermediaries.
“Indonesia is very grateful to the commitment shown by the government of the United States, Germany, Republic of Korea, and the European commission of the new financial intermediaries funds.” he added.
According to him, a money loan will not be enough. So, Indonesia needs to formalize a mechanism, such as axelirity to raise and mobilize emergency medical countermeasures in order for the mechanism involving global institutions such as UNESCO, UNICEF, and etc.
Minister Budi also said that on the second point of health priority, Indonesia must harmonize global health protocol standards and on the third point Indonesia needs to expand global manufacturing.
“Second, we need to harmonize the global health protocol standard to revive the global mobility of people and goods, and to revive the global corner. Indonesia has started this mutual recognition that using the standard modern and digital solutions in the original level and is looking forward to partnering with the team and all G20 members.” said Budi Sadikin.
“Third, we need to expand Global manufacturing and research how to takes a Diagnostic and personal protective equipment. Especially in the global South countries.” he added,
Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin also said that as the recovery of this difficult time, Indonesia and the other countries know that the investment in the world really matters. Only then, Indonesia and other countries can build a healthier and safer world.
As information, this session discussed the need for country capacity, sustainable financing, and a strong health workforce to strengthen health security and health systems – for COVID-19 variants and for future health emergencies.
Specifically, they discussed about exciting new financial commitments and momentum, including work in support of the G20’s Finance and Health Taskforce, to establish a new pandemic preparedness and global health security financial intermediary fund at the World Bank in the next few months, in close cooperation with the WHO and other international partners.