Indonesia Secures 3 Gold Medal at SEA Games 2021

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Logo SEA Games 2021
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  • Wikipedia

VIVA – Indonesia won three gold medals and four silver medals. The seven medals came from two sports at the SEA Games 2021 match on Wednesday, May 11, 2022. The sports are Rowing and Martial arts or locally known as Pencak Silat.

Chief de Mission (CdM) Indonesia, Ferry Kono said, from the rowing sport, two gold and silver medals.

"Alhamdulillah. This morning, rowing made an extraordinary contribution. In total, rowing contributed two gold and two silver to Merah Putih (Indonesia)," said Ferry Kono, quoted from a press release by the Indonesian Olympic Committee.

"I hope that the gold medal given in this rowing sport can be the start point for the Indonesian Team to achieve more success in the following days," he added.

Today there are four final matches presented for the Indonesian contingent. From the top four matches, Indonesia managed to get three gold medals and four silver medals.

The first gold was won by Kakan Rusman/Ardi Isadi who appeared in the Men's Lightweight Double Sculls rowing. Then, the second gold was also successfully carried off from the Rowing sport. This time, Sulpianto/Memo.

The Indonesian rowing duo successfully beat Vietnam, Thailand and the Philippines when they appeared in the Men's Double Sculls number.

"Alhamdulillah, this win was a surprise for us. Actually, the first number of girls (quadruple sculls) almost got gold, but maybe the luck is still in silver. We just want to do our best here and Alhamdulillah, we can give our best," said Kakan.

An additional, two silver medals were obtained from the quadruple sculls number driven by our athletes Dewi Purwanti, Maslin Efrilia, Annisa Meilani Yahya and Puteri Agni Anugerah and from the women's number four who also achieved similar results.

Then, the last gold of the day was presented by Ririn Rinasih and Riska Hermawan, who performed well in the women's doubles artistic category, while two silvers were contributed by the women's singles.

The following list of Indonesian athletes who won medals at the SEA Games 2021 on Wednesday, May 11, 2022:

3 Gold Medals:

1. Kakan Rusman & Ardi Isadi (Rowing-Men's Lightweight Double Sculls)

2. Sulpianto and Memo (Rowing-Men's Double Sculls)

3. Riska Hermawan & Ririn Rinasih (Pencak Silat-Women's Double)

4 Silver Medals:

1. Putri Agni Anugerah/Maslin Efrilia/Annisa Meilani Yahya/Dewi Purwanti (Rowing-Women's Quadruple Sculls)

2. Syiva Lisdiana/Aisah Nabila/Julianti/Chelsea Corputty (Rowing-Women's Four)

3. Putri Arum Sari (Pencak Silat-Women's Single)

4. Anggi Faisal Mubarok/Asep Yuldan Sani/Nunu Nugraha (Pencak Silat-Men's Team)